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吃 烟

来源:艺术大观 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-02-02 11:46
摘要:吃烟是只吃不进,属艺术的食品和艺术的行为,应该为少数人享用,如皇宫寝室中的黄色被褥、警察的电棒、失眠者的安定片;现在吃烟的人却太多,所以得禁止。 Smoking mimics the act


Smoking mimics the act of eating only nothing passes into your guts.It is a form of connosieurship akin to art appreciation and fine the bed chambers in the imperial palace,the stun guns used by police officers,and the tranquillisers used by insomniacs,it exists to be used by the ,there are too many smokers and it should be outlawed.

2 禁止哮喘病患者吃烟,哮喘本来痰多,吃烟咳咳咔咔的,坏烟的名节。禁止女人吃烟,烟性为火,女性为水,水火生来不相容的。禁止医生吃烟,烟是火之因,医是病之因,同都是因,犯忌讳。禁止兔唇人吃烟,他们噙不住香烟。禁止长胡须的人吃烟,烟囱上从来不长草的。

2 Asthmatics should be forbidden from have too much pentup they smoke they will hack and give cigarettes a bad should be prohibited from smoking since tobacco belongs to the element of fire and the female sex to the element of two cannot should be banned too because smoke is the root of fire,just as there would be no doctors if there were not first of all are both tied to the cause of certain phenomena,so for them to mix would be with a hare-lip should be proscribed as well,for they cannot balance a cigarette in their ,gentlemen with lengthy facial has seen grass growing inside a chimney breast?

3 留下了吃烟的少部分人,他们就与菩萨同在,因为菩萨像前的香炉里终日香烟袅袅,菩萨也是吃烟的。与黄鼠狼子同舞,黄鼠狼子在洞里,烟一熏就出来了。与龟同默,龟吃烟吃得盖壳都焦黄焦黄。还可以与驴同嚎,瞧呀,驴这老烟鬼将多么大的烟袋锅儿别在腰里!

3 A tiny minority would still be permitted to would be allowed to live like the day long censers in front of the Buddha statue exhale perfumed clouds,so that he is a fellow can jig together with the skunk,which secretes itself in its warren until the stench proves addicts keep silent together with the turtle smokes until its shell is stained can also bray together with the ,both tuck their pipes about their waists when not in use,but the donkey’s is humongous!

4 我是吃烟的,属相上为龙,云要从龙,才吃烟吞吐烟雾要做云的。我吃烟的原则是吃时不把烟分散给他人,宁肯给他人钱,钱宜散不宜聚,烟是自焚身亡的忠义之士,却不能让与的。而且我坚信一方水土养一方人,是中国人就吃中国烟,是本地人就吃本地烟,如我数年里只吃“猴王”。

4 I am a smoker.I was born in the Year of the circulate around the can only generate these after swallowing smoke.My principle of smoking is that I don’t pass out cigarettes to others;I would rather give them it is good to spread out money rather than hoard is a kind of loyal and faithful retainer who would rather he himself be burnt to ,one should not offer it to others.I frimly believe that man is the product of his people should smoke Chinese people should smoke locally-produced instance,I’ve stuck to the Shaanxi-madeMonkey Kingfor years.

5 杭州的一个寺里有幅门联,是:“是命也是运也,缓缓而行;为名乎为利乎,坐坐再去。”忙忙人生,坐下来干啥,坐下来吃烟。 □

5 A couplet on the architraves of a temple in Hangzhou states:“Whether through fate or luck,persist in your life slowly;whether for fame or for gain,sit for a while before you leave.”In the midst of a busy life,why should people sit down? Just sit down and smoke.■

吃烟是只吃不进,属艺术的食品和艺术的行为,应该为少数人享用,如皇宫寝室中的黄色被褥、警察的电棒、失眠者的安定片;现在吃烟的人却太多,所以得禁止。Smoking mimics the act of eating only nothing passes into your guts.It is a form of connosieurship akin to art appreciation and fine the bed chambers in the imperial palace,the stun guns used by police officers,and the tranquillisers used by insomniacs,it exists to be used by the ,there are too many smokers and it should be 禁止哮喘病患者吃烟,哮喘本来痰多,吃烟咳咳咔咔的,坏烟的名节。禁止女人吃烟,烟性为火,女性为水,水火生来不相容的。禁止医生吃烟,烟是火之因,医是病之因,同都是因,犯忌讳。禁止兔唇人吃烟,他们噙不住香烟。禁止长胡须的人吃烟,烟囱上从来不长草的。2 Asthmatics should be forbidden from have too much pentup they smoke they will hack and give cigarettes a bad should be prohibited from smoking since tobacco belongs to the element of fire and the female sex to the element of two cannot should be banned too because smoke is the root of fire,just as there would be no doctors if there were not first of all are both tied to the cause of certain phenomena,so for them to mix would be with a hare-lip should be proscribed as well,for they cannot balance a cigarette in their ,gentlemen with lengthy facial has seen grass growing inside a chimney breast?3 留下了吃烟的少部分人,他们就与菩萨同在,因为菩萨像前的香炉里终日香烟袅袅,菩萨也是吃烟的。与黄鼠狼子同舞,黄鼠狼子在洞里,烟一熏就出来了。与龟同默,龟吃烟吃得盖壳都焦黄焦黄。还可以与驴同嚎,瞧呀,驴这老烟鬼将多么大的烟袋锅儿别在腰里!3 A tiny minority would still be permitted to would be allowed to live like the day long censers in front of the Buddha statue exhale perfumed clouds,so that he is a fellow can jig together with the skunk,which secretes itself in its warren until the stench proves addicts keep silent together with the turtle smokes until its shell is stained can also bray together with the ,both tuck their pipes about their waists when not in use,but the donkey’s is humongous!4 我是吃烟的,属相上为龙,云要从龙,才吃烟吞吐烟雾要做云的。我吃烟的原则是吃时不把烟分散给他人,宁肯给他人钱,钱宜散不宜聚,烟是自焚身亡的忠义之士,却不能让与的。而且我坚信一方水土养一方人,是中国人就吃中国烟,是本地人就吃本地烟,如我数年里只吃“猴王”。4 I am a smoker.I was born in the Year of the circulate around the can only generate these after swallowing smoke.My principle of smoking is that I don’t pass out cigarettes to others;I would rather give them it is good to spread out money rather than hoard is a kind of loyal and faithful retainer who would rather he himself be burnt to ,one should not offer it to others.I frimly believe that man is the product of his people should smoke Chinese people should smoke locally-produced instance,I’ve stuck to the Shaanxi-madeMonkey Kingfor years.5 杭州的一个寺里有幅门联,是:“是命也是运也,缓缓而行;为名乎为利乎,坐坐再去。”忙忙人生,坐下来干啥,坐下来吃烟。 □5 A couplet on the architraves of a temple in Hangzhou states:“Whether through fate or luck,persist in your life slowly;whether for fame or for gain,sit for a while before you leave.”In the midst of a busy life,why should people sit down? Just sit down and smoke.■

文章来源:《艺术大观》 网址: http://www.ysdgzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0202/597.html


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